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Here are two studies that show how mere belief can change sleep quality :

1. First study :

When insomniacs in this study were told that they slept better/more than they did, they felt and performed better during the day 
When compared to insomniacs who were not told anything about their sleep quality yet who got the same amount of sleep.

2. Second study :

Subjects were divided into 3 groups. 
Time cues and clocks were taken away. 
All groups went to sleep, and researchers woke everyone up after exactly 8 hours. 
Group 1 was told they slept 6 and were being sleep deprived for the study. 
Group 2 was told they slept 10 hours. 
Group 3 was told the truth. 

Group 1 complained of sleepiness, irritability and poor concentration. 
Group 2 complained of lethargy. 
Group 3 reported feeling fine.

Is sleep need just in our heads? Not quite. 

Sleep is a biological drive at its core. 

But psychology can influence the subjective quality of our sleep.

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