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Strength trainers keep detailed work out logs.

Why not keep a sleep log?

Sleep logs provide many benefits.

It takes 15 seconds every morning to record your sleep/wake time.

I have kept a daily sleep log (off and on) for over a year.

I can see specific patterns in the way I sleep and associate them with my lifestyle habits that I record in a journal.

For example, 
how do dietary habits affect sleep duration? 
How much do I sleep while free-running as compared to when I use an alarm clock?

Self-experimenter and author Seth Roberts kept a sleep log when he was younger. 

He reviewed it several years later and noticed that there was an immediate shift in sleep duration at around the same time he adopted a raw, whole foods diet. 

The diet change decreased his sleep need by about 30 minutes (he never used an alarm clock, so this was a natural decrease).

In my own logs, I’ve seen correlations between exercise intensity and sleep duration, diet and sleep duration, and more.

A sleep log might seem a bit OCD, 
It’s a worthwhile time investment for us geeky “lifestyle hackers.”

To log your data, use one of the following:

  • SleepChart software (recommended)
  • Google Spreadsheet
  • Pen and paper (how primitive…)
  • SleepTracker software (upload sleep data gathered from the SleepTracker watch. Software included with SleepTracker Pro.)

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